Saturday, December 13, 2014

A Few Reminders on Networking

A couple years ago I had the privilege of getting Jason Evers to be a keynote speaker at the Midwest Cleaning Conference. Jason is one of the most positive and enthusiastic guys I know. A genuinely friendly person who wants everyone around him to succeed. While I can't remember everything he spoke about back then I do remember 5 action steps he outlined when it comes to networking.

1) Network with the right people - including your competitors (so many people waste time          networking with a group of people they have nothing in common with)
2) Be prepared for a networking event (have a list of people you want to meet, do research on their  company)
3) At any networking event (have at list of at least three questions you want answered, research  companies that impress you)
4) Use the two foot rule (talk to anyone, anytime, anywhere, you never know when you are going to  meet the ideal customer)
5) Most Importantly - Have fun! (Enthusiasm, laughter, and confidence will always draw a crowd -  people want to be surrounded by these traits)

As Jason said these are action steps. Without effort on your part NOTHING happens!
I have to admit I have been remiss in applying many of these points and have become a bit complacent in developing my business in the way I should. I plan to use this slower winter season to work on these points as well as others to get back on track. How about you?

Thanks for the great advice Mr Evers!

For more information go to A New View Exterior Cleaning