Sunday, January 15, 2017

New Industry Magazine

If you've been in the mobile cleaning industry for any length of time you've no doubt seen and read a few trade magazines. I personally have read at least 4 different window cleaning related magazines and 3 pressure cleaning magazines. While a couple were educational most fell victim to the overabundance of ads versus content which so many magazines do. So why am I telling you what you already know? Because something different in out there. A new mobile cleaning industry magazine is debuting. Clean Matters Magazine will shortly release it's premier issue highlighting the hugely successful United Association of Mobile Contract Cleaners National Convention in Charlotte, NC this past September.

Why Another Magazine? 

With other industry publications they target the contractor in that industry and while that seems logical let's think about what any industry publication should be about - education. Not just the education of the contractor but more so, the education of our clients. After all, wouldn't you prefer to do business with property owners who understand the value of what you bring to the job. Property owners who understand that a quality job comes from educated contractors and carries an inherent value? This has been the driving force behind the UAMCC's newsletter for years and is the same driving force it's successor, Clean Matters Magazine, will push even further. 

How Do I Get It?

This magazine will be in a limited print and full digital edition. Both of which are free! The print edition is available to all new members of the UAMCC as well as at newstands located at participating UAMCC vendors. The digital copy is available by subscription at